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ShotClass + ACS | 2nd Assistant Camera Certificate Course | Brisbane September 2024

Date: TBA. Early 2025
Duration: 10 x 8 hr days
Cost: TBC
Location: Camera Rental Facilities in Brisbane area
Class Size: 12
Suitability: Emerging Camera Assistants | 2nd AC's looking for more expert skills | Film Crew wanting to move into the Camera Dept | Students
HotShot Qualifier?: Yes

If you’re serious about being a top-level, professional 2nd AC, this course will help get you there.


A great 2nd AC not only knows how to do their job, they are consistently attentive, reliable, responsible and focussed. A team player. The Camera Department is central to all productions and all eyes are on us and the workload can be intense. On set, you will also be relied on to perform your specific duties. Each member of the Camera Department has their own duties to manage, so you can’t expect anyone will be there to cover any of your shortcomings. That’s why we think it is so important to prepare you with this course to start you on your journey with expert knowledge and most importantly: the right attitude. You will continue to learn on set at a rapid rate and your skills will improve each day.

This well-renowned course was started in 2015 when the ShotClass founder, Warwick Field ACS, was then President of the ACS Victoria. The course came about because of demand from the industry for more well trained, set-ready 2nd AC’s. We heard from DP’s, 1st AC’s and rental houses that really good 2nd AC’s were hard to find. The good ones were moving up after years at the top of their field. The intensive training participants will undergo is intended to place you at the highest level with tuition and advice from the best, active industry professionals. Successful completion means you will be in a perfect position to begin working as an in-demand 2nd AC. Many previous participants are now working busily on major productions as 2nd AC’s or advanced up the ladder.

This short course continues to be run with the support of the Australian Cinematographers Society (ACS) and its members.

What can you expect from this course?

  • We will expertly cover all elements of the role of the 2nd AC based primarily for working on a professional set shooting Cinema or TV narrative and documentary in long and short form AND Cinema and TV Commercials AND high end corporate and online content. Basically, any shoot that crews with a DP, 1st AC and 2nd AC as a minimum number in the Camera Dept. Skills taught include slating, marking and working with actors, camera builds, camera equipment familiarisation, lens handling, video split, camera reports, data wrangling, film loading, working with the 1st AC and DP, how to work and thrive on set, career advancement, financial matters, and so much more.
  • 10 days of comprehensive training including practical demonstration and theory. You will meet and be taught by leading industry professionals – real active industry professionals whose previous film may have been last week, or they may be in production right now. Instructors may include DP’s, Camera Operators, Camera Assistants, DITs, Data Wranglers, Camera Techs, Rental Managers, Rental Prep Techs, First Assistant Directors, Line Producers, Grips, Gaffers, Safety Officers and Sound Recordists.
  • You will be taught not only about cameras, equipment and “process”, but also how to behave and survive on a professional set. This is very important to gaining repeat employment and often a neglected discussion, especially at film schools. A film set is a very dynamic environment. It is fast, expensive to run, delicately balanced and egos abound. Your behaviour, attitude and conduct can greatly affect your chance of being offered ongoing work.
  • Participants successfully completing the short course will be presented with a signed Certificate of Competency by ShotClass and the ACS.
  • Fees are generally Tax Deductible for Australian citizens because self-education that leads to earning income, may be claimed by the participants. Check your own eligibility with the ATO or your tax agent. This will substantially reduce your actual outlay.

Places are very limited and only the most suitable applicants will be admitted. Don’t miss out. Participants must complete the application form to attend this 10-day short course.

Payment option is 50% due on acceptance into the short course and the balance at least two weeks prior to the start date. Or you may pay in full upon acceptance. Options include: Direct Bank Transfer (no fees), Credit/Debit Card, Gift Certificate, ApplePay or PayPal (agency fees apply).

  • ACS Members, Full-Time Students and HotShots*: TBC
  • Standard Fee: TBC

*ONLY the first 5 ACS/Students/HotShots to submit the application form, be offered a place and make payment, will receive the discount. Be quick – this will fill fast.

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2nd AC Course Instructors and Guest Speakers*

This short course will be led by industry legend, 2nd AC, HAZAL ALAKUS. (TBC)

Hazal is notably one of the busiest and highly regarded 2nd AC’s in Australia, and tends to go from production to production, working on the biggest shows in town. Learning from Hazal, and as she hosts the other instructors, will be an incredible opportunity and very rare. We are extremely fortunate to have her on board.

There are numerous specialist instructors and guest speakers involved over the 10 days. They are ALL actual crew and technicians currently working in the industry. While some of the people who will be sharing their knowledge and expertise with you have led formally-run courses in the past, they don’t spend the majority of their time teaching. And so, they have different approaches – but love to share.  You will find a mix of personalities. Some will be extroverts while others quieter. Some will have firm opinions about certain things while others more bipartisan. Some can talk underwater, others not so much. BUT every one of them is passionate and incredibly knowledgeable about what they do and if you take the opportunity, you will learn things others rarely have the chance to, even those who work with them. On set it is ‘all go’ and there’s rarely enough time to explain the “whys and wherefores”.

As it’s a 2nd AC Course, most of those instructing are 1st and 2nd AC’s who are all very experienced. Facilitators have all been AC’s at some stage, and have a very thorough knowledge.

These very same people may be the ones you work with in your career, so the connections made over the 2 weeks are extremely valuable. Some may offer further consultation or mentoring at the conclusion of the course should you have follow-up enquiries.

* – Please note that our instructors are all active working crew and their daily bookings may change last minute. While they are fully committed to our events, occasionally work may demand they take a job on our dates. As a result, in some cases we may need to replace the instructors on a course, but rest assured, they will be top level replacements.